martes, 12 de julio de 2022

BLOG 6: A Career-Related Website OR an Expert in Your Field

Hi everyone!

You know the artist Yayoi Kusama?

First of all i will tell you who Yayoi Kusama, she is a Japanese artist of expressionist and abstract art, where she mostly uses vibrant colors and psychedelic scenes.... She´s was born in matsumoto in 1929, his art is based on psychedelic patterns that include painting, sculpture, performance art and installation art. 

Yayoi Kusama is a precursor of pop art, minimalism and feminist art, in 1973 moved to the United States where he produced a series of artistic works influenced by abstract expressionism, She backs to Japan in 1988 and as she encountered a more conservative art style her works were not well received, leading to her artistic failure, some time later, yayoi kusama suffered psychiatric problems and voluntarily committed herself to a hospital, where she remains to this day and continues to make works of art with different materials.

She has had hallucinations and suicide attempts from an early age, due to these disorders is that yayoi kusama seeks art as liberation where she left home in 1948 to enter art school.

I really love her work, when I met her was in 2015 on a visit to the museum, since that day I admire her work and the way she makes her works, the strong colors and patterns in each painting or sculpture makes it very striking to me, that day in his exhibition I was fascinated with each work, I really love his work as an artist.

These photos are from when I went to the yayoi kusama exhibition in 2015 when I was 15 years old. 

lunes, 4 de julio de 2022



Hi everyone!

This photo shows Pedro... Who is Pedro? Pedro is my cat, he is really big and fat. Pedro is white and black spots so he looks like a cow, my mom loves Pedro because he is crazy and she always takes pictures of him, this photo was taken by my mom in the last week.

Pedro always sleep on his back and snore, i love the photo because Pedro lives in Arica and i see him only in the summer, my mom always sends me pictures of him and Frida, my other cat..... Pedro is very special, he is really big cat but he is really childish and playful, although he 5 years old but still a baby, he is really cowardly but when he sleep, only food wakes him up and he sleeps in that position all the time. 

I really love this photo because it remind me of when he slept with me. 

jueves, 21 de abril de 2022

blog 3: My favorite piece of technology

Blog 3: My favourite piece of technology.

20 april 2022

Hi everyone.

My favourite piece of technology is the computer, there is many reasons why but mainly is because I use it for long periods during the day , arround six to eight hours every day. I mostly use it to play "Genshin impact" a videogame that I like very much, I play it every day because it has a daily mission system so it is meant to be played daily. This missions give you rewards that help you get better stuff on the game. I do also use the computer to draw digital art , however, im a begginer at this. I do not recomend using the computer the way I do, I think its too much and I stop doing other things to keep on playing or drawing. If anything you should use your computer in a responsable manner, not to mention using it too much could result in physical pain or even headaches , it does make for a good distraction every so often though

jueves, 31 de marzo de 2022

 Blog 1: My Autobiography 

 31 march 2022    

Hi everyone!

My name is Anahí Malermo and i was born in Santiago, Chile. My birthday is 27 December 1999.

I grew up in Maipú, but now i live in La Florida with my grandmother.

I studied in Terraustral school and two years in Samoré high school, Arica, but return to Santiago to study in University. I study visual arts in University of Chile and currently i was in my fifth year. My favorite class is experimental art workshop, because this class is very experimental, you can make anyone art, painting, drawing, esculture, ilustration, etc.

My mom Mónica have 63 years old and my dad Patricio 68 years old, they live in Punta norte, Arica.  I visit two times in the year, usually in summer and winter vacation, my dad is a businessman and he usually travel to Santiago one time to month. I have a stay at home mom, she loves my cats Frida and Pedro.

My current hobby is cosplay, it is something that keeps me happy and entertained. Being able to play a character from animes or videogames I love makes me happy, taking them out of the screen right into real life, despite only doing cosplay for the past 4 months I've managed to cosplay 10 diferent characters... The one I love the most is Haruka Hashida, a character from Blue Period which is an art related anime, this being said, I wish to keep growing as a cosplayer and make the most out of this hobbys.

I have two cats, Frida and Pedro, Frida have 6 years old and she is very cute, usually loves anyone person visit to my house, but she have a bad personality.... Pedro is a fat cat, he is very crazy and eating all day, Pedro have 5 years old and he is beautifull cat.

BLOG 6: A Career-Related Website OR an Expert in Your Field

Hi everyone! You know the artist Yayoi Kusama? First of all i will tell you who Yayoi Kusama, she is a Japanese artist of expressionist and ...